Monday, October 22, 2012

Time Flies

Today we went pumpkin picking and after we took our family picture I joked with Joe that if we looked back at the previous years, he probably would be wearing the same flannel. As I went back to gather the proof I was surprised, not only to see he wasn't wearing his trusty flannel - but how much we have grown over the years.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Going back to 2007, I would never have given the answer of, married with two children - that's for sure! It's crazy to see all the beautiful things we have brought into our lives.

Tomorrow the little man starts daycare. I can't believe that our time at home is over and I'm sad that our baby days are going by so quickly. I know he'll be in good hands, I just wish they were mine. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun!

1 comment:

  1. Charlotte - thanks so much for reading and leaving a comment! More importantly, congratulations on your baby :D No greater gift, that's for sure.
